The 5th World Xiangqi Championships


Chairman of Provisional Urban Council

As the quintessence of Chinese culture, Xiangqi is both a folk art and a sport. Changeful and unpredictable, every Xiangqi game is an exhausting challenge to the intelligence and endurance of both the players and the spectators: and every single move can be fascinating and enchanting. Therefore, it is not surprising that the popularity of Xiangqi has lasted centuries. In 1993, the Council held the first Urban Council Chess Carnival. This occasion became an immediate success and attracted over 10 thousand participants.

This year the Provisional Council takes a step forward and has the honour to jointly organize the "5th World Xiangqi Championships" with the Hong Kong Chinese Chess Association. It is the first time that such a great event in Xiangqi is held in Hong Kong. We trust that this is not only an opportunity for top players of Xiangqi to study the skills with one another, but also an occasion to spread the Xiangqi culture overseas. Citizens' interest in Xiangqi will also be further enhanced and the development of Xiangqi as a sport in Hong Kong better promoted. Therefore this is really a significant event.

The championships will last 5 days. Master chess players from over 20 countries would gather at Kowloon Park Indoor Games Hall to compete for the honour of champions. All of you should be expecting this keen competition of top players.

Lastly, on behalf of the Provisional Urban Council, I wish the "5th World Xiangqi Championships" a success. I am looking forward to seeing all top players of Xiangqi chess displaying their skills to the fullest in the competition so that Hong Kong people can enjoy their excellent performance Ronald, LEUNG Ding-bong, OBE, JP
Provisional Urban Council


獻 詞 - 梁定邦議員

象棋-中國國粹,揉合了民間藝術和體育運動的精神,棋局往往詭奇難測, 弈者觀者都要智力耐力盡出,步步也引人入勝:無怪象棋歷代風行至今。一九九三年, 誧蔬漲蜂|辦「市政局棋藝嘉年華」,就吸引了萬多名市民參加,可謂盛況空前。

今年,本局更上一層,很榮幸與香港象棋總會合辦『第五屆世界象棋錦標賽』。 是項棋壇盛事今次是首度在香港舉行的。本局深信,這次除了可以讓各地好手交流棋藝, 並且向海外宏揚中國的象棋文化,更可以藉此進一步提高市民對象棋的興趣, 推動象棋在香港的發展,意義重大。

今次錦標賽為期五天。屆時,二十多個國家的象棋高手將會雲集九龍公園室內運動場對戰, 角逐冠軍棋王的殊榮。這場龍爭虎鬥,大家務必拭目以待。

最後,本人謹代表臨時市政局祝賀『第五屆世界象棋錦標賽』。舉辦成功, 並預祝各位參賽的棋藝好手發揮超水準的表現,讓香港市民大開眼界!
