The 5th World Xiangqi Championships


Chairman of Hong Kong Chinese Chess Association

Every world Xiangqi tournament is the premier Xiangqi event of the year. Top ranking players from all over the world take part to compete for the title. Apart from improving the playing standard, it also promotes the friendship among the players.

1997 is the year of Hong Kong's return to China. We take special pleasure and honour to hold the 5th World Xiangqi Championships this year in Hong Kong.

Although the Xiangqi-board is limited in size, the game provides the players with endless variations for hours of enjoyment. This is the reason why Xiangqi playing is so interesting and the art keeps on evolving. Today, it is most encouraging to know that the game of Xiangqi is becoming internationalized and enjoyed by all people and not only the Chinese.

Let me take this opportunity to thank the following: the collaboration of the Provisional Urban Council, the support and guidance from the senior officers of both the World Xiangqi Federation and the Hong Kong Chinese Chess Association, and the effort from all the working staff and related persons, to make the tournament possible.


獻 詞 - 劉高第先生


每屆世界象棋錦標賽都是棋壇盛事。各地象棋精英堅聚比試,不單有助提高棋藝, 砌磋較量之餘,更可增進友誼。一九九七適值香港回歸之年,香港象棋總會能在今 年接辦『第五屆世界象棋錦標賽』,實在更具意義。

小小棋枰蘊含萬千變化,為愛好思考藝術的人提供了無盡的探索空間, 此所以象棋能歷久常新。雖然時代不斷變遷,象棋這門古老的藝術不單沒有被淘汰, 而且還不斷發展,甚至邁向世界化,實在令人鼓舞。

是次賽事能順利舉辦,有賴世界象棋聯合會的推動及指導,香港臨時市政局的協助, 本會各首長的慷慨資助及各工作人員的努力。希望藉著這次交流,有助推動象棋世界化, 香港的象棋發展更加蓬勃。